Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Beach Outing

Lett msged Dave to join us for dinner in Long Beach
So she met us on the way to Long Beach.. Not really, we waited for her to come fo her house.. We are good friends..
Dave, Gaya and I ate sizziling noodle while Lett ate fish and chips.. Pavit ordered chapati which came to the table about 20 minutes later.. HAHA .. Pity her..
Then we shared LAME joke.. some wasn't even funny...
Dave had this beach party to attend so she was off the the beach while we went for some DVD shopping..
Pavit realized that she left her specs and phone in Long Beach, she went to get it.. I asked Lett to call Pavit's phone.. just to make sure lah..
The phone was switched off!!
Oh my god, did someone like steal her phone and switched off her phone.. We were so scared and i don't even know why??
We were so relived to see Pavit walking towards us with her phone..
SIGH.. what a relive..
Then we wanted to crash the party Dave was attending.. So we went to the beach...
When we went there, we were in the middle of two things..
1. a group of people surrounding a bond fire shouting "Fucking..." and " Fuck you"
2. a girl puking, half sleepy cause one of her clever friend gave her a shot when she gets drunk on beer...
We were too scared to go near the bond fire cause the people there are a bit scary and a lot drunk...
Later, we went to the main road to wait for Pavit's parent to pick her up..
After that, Gaya, Lett and I went to 7-eleven to get some drinks(INNOCENT DRINKS)
Nothing alcoholic..
Monday, June 8, 2009
I mean boring is better than going to tuition where i don't listen
to whatever the teacher is teaching..
I feel bad for my tution teachers.. haha
Ok , coming back to the previous topic..
It was a sad boring day until my mom told me to get dressed
cause we were going to temple..
Anything is better than nothing right??
Then, we went to Air Itam Kaliaman Temple with my cousins..
This Sunday is the Firewalking Festival in the temple..
So till then, everyday from last saturday, one family has to do this thing
where they have to sponser food for the night after they have finished
the prayers and all..
It is a very good thing to do, so a lot of people really volunteer to do this
Today(9/6/09) is my grandfather's (on my mother's side) family's turn..
My mom and her siblings always use my grandfather's name for all the temple stuff although they are the one who are paying for all the expences...
Firewalking Festival in Air Itam temple is very very huge..
I mean it is really big thing for people living there...
Where else can u see people willingly walking on fire..
Ok, it is not exactly fire.. its actually really really hot burned coals,,,
Who in their sane mind would walk on burning fire??
Think about it...
There will be alot of people coming to the temple from even 4 in the morning till 1 in the morning the next day..
I wish I could stay u that late but sadly I have school the next day...